Tuesday, October 11, 2005

The blogging will continue until morale improves.

The next James Bond will be blonde.

How does this make me feel, having grown up with Pierce Brosnan as my preferred double agent?

Uh, meh? I didnt even see the last one, but I must say, that Goldeneye was awesome beyond all fathoming, and it, in my opinion will never be topped, but I am excited for the new Bond flick, because the first ones are usually an actor's best Bond flick.

Okay, who wants a racist joke?

A black woman was meeting with her social worker who was taking her information down, and getting the specifics on her family.

"What are your children's names?", asked the social worker.

"James. They're all named James."

"What? Doesn't that get confusing?" asked the bewildered social worker.

"No, it's really simple, actually, when I want them to come to dinner, or get to the car, I just call James and they all come running." said the mother.

"What if you wanna speak to one individually?" questioned the social worker.

"Oh, thats easy, I just call them by their last name."

That was fun.

So, whats up in Rob's world?

Hmm. I guess after a two year period of not having a girlfriend, I'm finally lonely again.


But I'm sill in good spirits, though, even if its getting harder, what with the deaf woman calling me fat today in Quick Chek, my bank with holding my 60 bucks until god knows when, and....this complaining isn't solving anything. Sorry.

Finished Platoon today. That was a fun movie.

The Books finished downloading today, I think I'll give them a listen tonight.

Well, I'm off. I've bored you enough for today.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Hehe, the pussy is devoured by the snake for once...


Elidia Rodriguez of Miami Gardens had been looking for her year-old Siamese cat for two days when her son pointed out the bulging Burmese python slithering in her backyard.

Experts say that bulge in the 12-foot snake is probably the missing 15-pound cat.

That's funny. Isn't it funny?

Well, how bout that for a weekend?

Stayed home Friday, gave myself a four day weekend. Hung out with Brendan Saturday night, and god damn, it was raining like hell that night. We watched the Bourne Supremacy and Requiem for a Dream. Couldn't sleep until 6 in the morning.

Went home, and realized that my jacket from the year before fit really poorly, so I bought a new one at Old Navy. Wool. It's jawesome.

Then, I hung out with Mike and the guys the next day, and we saw Watching, which kicked alot of ass. I still owe Steve 3 kicks to the ass. Then I went to work, then to Brendan's Grampa's, and ED was there!!! Holy shit, that was cool. I miss Ed. He was liek infinitly better than Knut. After that, we hung out with Ashley Hill. That was weird. I hadn't seen her since 8th grade. Wild stuff. She's still pretty cool, too.

Well, I have to finish this stupid forensic homework. Dammit.

Till later