[Listening to: Sliders - 01x04 - Last Days - DVDRip - MP3 - DivX 5.2 - [RG] - - (43:47)]
lolo AM I RITE???'
Most liekly.
Well. Today, I saw my dad again, and he was in a good mood. I told him about how Knut was accusing me of being a pothead over and over, and then my dad said, "Tell him that if he ever opens his little mumbling fucking mouth about my son ever again, that your dad will personally kick the motherfucking piss out of him and kick him in his fucking teeth."
I <3 my dad. He's such a bad-ass sometimes.
He also helped me put on my front license plate, so hopefully I can get my car inspected today.
Chocolate milk is good, and school sucks.