Whoo. Fun night.
[Listening to: Sliders - 01x04 - Last Days - DVDRip - MP3 - DivX 5.2 - [RG] - - (43:47)]
Well, my mom goes to NYC for a Curves convention, so I have the place to myself for the night. So, I go to an Animit concert with the guys, and everyone there but the Animit sucked so much ass. So, I was just hanging out in the Library, and this girl, named Lisa from Roxbury, comes up to me, and starts up a convrosation. We're talking, and we're having fun, and then we go watch the Animit's last 3 songs, and I have to go, so I ask her number, and she replies with her number. At this point, I was totally freaked the fuck out.
Then, we all* went home to my house, and we hung out till about 12 where Sara, Ashley, Brendan, Keri, and Noodle leave, and me and the guys just relax and hangout playing the guitar and Burnout 3 and then we just went to sleep. All in all, it was a very good time, and nothing really went wrong. It was scary, actually. Today, I'm prolly gonna call Lisa, and ask her to something gay like the movies tomorrow night or something, but it'll be fun. Also, i'm going to go see Sin City tonight. Sweet.
*Me, Brendan, Meghan, Justin, Steve, Mike, John, Justin, Sara, Katie, Ashley, and Keri. Dana would've been there and would've made my night, but they came to my house when I was at the concert I told both of them I was going to be at. Oh well. It was fucking crowded, anyway. It was awesome.